

Bobby Bunny and Malcolm Tent founded Connecticut's most infamous band BunnyBrains in 1988.
Hardly satisfied, in 2002 they upped the ante with Ultrabunny. Is that blood coming out of my ears???


Ultrabunny official authentic legitimate totally not fake website

Ultrabunny on Free Music Archive

Ultrabunny on Soundcloud

Ultrabunny on Bandcamp


Malcolm Tent - bass, vocals

Bobby Bunny - vocals, guitar, synths

Pete Beest - drums (2002 - 2007)

Chris Prorock - drums (2007 - 2012)

Jan J4 - drums (2012 - )

Evan Robots - drums (201x - )



Ultrabunny Downloads

BilgeDasto 004 - BunnyBrains - '88 Demo (album)

BilgeDasto 005 - BunnyBrains - Purple Teeth (single)

BilgeDasto 016 - Ultrabunny - Count Me Out (In) (album)

BilgeDasto 024 - Ultrabunny - The Third Ultrabunny Album (album)

BilgeDasto 026 - Ultrabunny - Ultra&Bunny&Ears&Bleeding (demastered version) (album)

BilgeDasto 027 - Ultrabunny - Volume Merchants / Unsafe At Any Age (v.1.1) (album)

BilgeDasto 028 - Ultrabunny - Ton o' Luv / 4th Dimension (single)

BilgeDasto 029 - Ultrabunny - Outer Bounds of Sound aka The Noiseville LP (2020 remaster) (album)

BilgeDasto 030 - Ultrabunny - Land of Steady Rabbits (album)


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Bilge Dasto is an all-free net label. All music is FREE for individuals to download and listen to, but NOT FREE for websites to repost or aggregate without permission.
WHEN IN DOUBT, ASK FOR PERMISSION. Illegal reposters will be violated anally with machine tools.


everything on this site @2003-2022 bilgedasto™ unless noted