

BunnyBrains are inarguably the most embarassing yet excellent yet awful rock band to come out of the State of Connecticut. The legend understates the facts (try watching a video of a vintage live performance), but the music stands for itself. Bunnybrains began its torturous life in 1988 as Bobby Bunny and Malcolm Tent's collaborative improv noise band and over the next decade grew into a collective of disenfranchised freak musicians from the state of Connecticut. The band's manifesto dictated that musician and non-musician alike were equally welcome and that no rules of sound or structure shall be required. 60+ members and half a dozen LPs and a dozen singles later, the Bunnies will be remembered for their contribution to communal brain damage and hearing loss amongst the denizens of the Nutmeg State.


BunnyBrains website


Bobby Bunny - vocals, psych bass, noise guitar, retro electronics

Malcolm Tent - punk bass & even more punk guitar

Pete Partenio - drums and home-built electronics

Warren Kennedy - hardcore guitar

Elisa Flynn - attitude

Wendy Poprock - guitar & vocals

Dan Bunny - dick

Raymondo - jazz guitar

Davo - stoner bass

Chandy Pinkeye - bunny guitar

Ginger CremeBrulee - bunny babe

La Persona - el kabonger

Horlick Choi - aggro drums

Jim Roberto - rock guitar

see website for complete list...



BunnyBrains Downloads

BilgeDasto 001 - Live In The Midwest

BilgeDasto 002 - Einstürzende Neubunny

BilgeDasto 003 - Show Me The Bunny

BilgeDasto 007 - Limeade Single

BilgeDasto 009 - Stoolbox: The Next Generation

BilgeDasto 017 - 8/31/1991



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Bilge Dasto is an all-free net label. All music is FREE for individuals to download and listen to, but NOT FREE for websites to repost or aggregate without permission.
WHEN IN DOUBT, ASK FOR PERMISSION. Illegal reposters will be violated anally with machine tools.


everything on this site @2003-2022 bilgedasto™ unless noted