Bobby Bunny


Bobby Bunny started his musical career as the solo experimental new wave band Invaders From Sears in 1986. He then founded Connecticut's infamous improv-art-noise-drag-freak collective BunnyBrains in 1988. He played bass for NYC acid rock legends Beme Seed in the 90s, revamped the BunnyBrains again in 1997 and then assembled CT noiserock powerhaus Ultrabunny, now almost 20 years active and yet still wonderfully obscure by design. He can now occasionally be seen playing with various Brooklyn NY avant garde and noise musicians, and is working on a few new albums for several of his bands and projects.


Bobby Bunny - samplers, synths, guitars, voices, percussion, found objects, antique electronics, effects, manipulations


Bobby Bunny's personal website

Bobby Bunny on Bandcamp

Bobby Bunny on the Free Music Archive


Bobby Bunny Downloads

BilgeDasto 025 - Bobby Bunny's Adventures in Magnetic Recording Vol.1

(available on Bandcamp and Free Music Archive at the above links)





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